Friday, November 02, 2007

A skin not my own.

I'm hesitating on posting up the photo shoot pics.
I look a vampire.
And my hair....I messed it up one too many times even before the shoot began.
And and some of us ain't eyebrow virgins anymore!!
Yes, the brow has been shaved. I repeat. The brow has been shaved!

Looks like paddle pop only all the pictures.So yummy..

What was this photo shoot all about you ask?
Well, some the band is competing for this Malaysian Revival Song Writing Competition thing by StarMaker this December.
They're playing for Jane C who wrote a couple of songs and sent it in.

I don't know much about the details, but you can go to the freetofall blog for more info or something.
Wait..I'm not sure if there's any info there or not also...Click only lah.Won't hurt wan. :D
Ooh..You're supposed to vote by sms and all wan lah.

So yeah, the whole band, those playing and those who are not were in the shoot.
All 9 of us, excluding Su Ann, our "hippy" as she proclaimed herself as.Its groupie la sayang..
And also half half our photog.

There's was an after party shoot of course.
10 minutes in studio is definitely not enough for some of us okay.
Yes, I just realized that it was actually THAT short.

We were in Subang and of course we didn't wanna waste the night away.
Don't look at me one kind ok.BK's bathroom is unisex!

Headed of to KTZ later for dessert..
Aaand this is the Case of the Fake Lash :P


Ms. Chap signing off.

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