Saturday, November 24, 2007

Christmas came a lil too early

Could this night get any better or what??!
You know that green Esprit top that I loved oh so very very very much?

I have it now!!!
Mandy and Ade is so cooolll.
I have no idea how they came into contact with it but they got it for much cheaper.More than 50% of what it was in Esprit last time.
I can faint and dieee happy. :D:D:D:D:D
Okaay just faint happily can edy :D:D:D:D:D:D:D!!!
Thank you Lord!I feel so darned blessed.Bahahaha.

Bought two tops that day..
Footwear shopping was not done..
So that means I'm game if any of you still wanna go Pyramid.Haha.
But then I'm like super broke already.Never was my wallet ever sooo empty as empty can be.
Even outside the wallet also empty.*sigh*

Still no pictures yo.If my phone's cam nice quality..then sure got wan.but toooh badd.

*note so self-2 more post for this month.
-not gonna do this anymore next year.The OCD has to stop!
Oh lookie, an early New year's resolution! And the first ever too..

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