I update quite frequently d right..
Then maybe next time I can have a break for awhile.
But first, let me redeem myself before I cabut in the near future.Heh.
So today was computer classes.BASIC computer classes.About Microsoft Office wan.
Whole time in class I was thinking "Why oh why oh why did I not ask whether it was compulsory to take or not?"!!
I was practically dying there.
Some more the other people that I talked to but never sat beside them was all in the other class.
But I took the challenge and thought positively and said to myself.Nvm nvm make new friends okay.
I would've been fine being a loner, but oh well.Talked to a few of them anyways.
Lousy la that computer lab.Windows 98 and no internet access :(
If I'm not wrong, I think the other lab got broadband wan.Sad sad sad.
Anyways this comp classes only for 6 days.One day down, 5 more to go.
Friday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Monday!
So I'll be free on Thurdays and a Tuesday.Whee.
But shit la I'll be having 1 hour breaks in between which is 1pm-2pm.
Maybe if I'm desperate enough I could ask mom to come pick me, since home is like 5 to 10 minutes drive away, depending on traffic. :D:D:D:D:D
Oh oh ANTS is officially no more.
Ade started her coll d.Bye bye little ANTSy.
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