Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Spaces and Such

Some where out there, somebody doesn't want me to blog.

Some more I really wanted to do two post in a day wan kay.
Wasn't saying just to say leh.haha

So at first I couldn't even turn on the comp.
Then later on tried again and turns on the computer and it decided to hang in 10 minues or so.
K fine, restart and turn on again.Hangs even before it loads.
Dad fixed it, and I was sulking with it so decided not to use that night.

Next day, turns the comp on, didn't hang.
Oh i think it did once.
But the connection, well it sucked.Couldn't even do a thing.

So sucky right!Bugger betul.

K la bye.Just here to fill up the spaces.Heh.

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