Saturday, April 12, 2008

Nother day lah.

Didn't get my clear skies. DAng.
Come on man!

Oh yeah baby, two weeks of holiday. I keep forgetting.
So this shall be my reminder.
Ohh speaking of reminders!
I forgot I had this idea for another random personal message thingamajig.
After my nothing is nothing till its nothing thing then I change.

Badaboom. :)

You know, only things like this happen to me. How often does a name beginning with an "M" usually gets called first amongst who knows how many hundred people.
Bugger, just when I thought Okay fine, take another day la since so many people and I live quite near only.
And my name gets called first when I got in the car and went off.
I only found out till later. Dang weh dang.

Whats with danging weh. And the weh too..

*Anyways, thank yous all you sayangs!

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