Sunday, April 13, 2008

Like a cow.

Suka satu kerbau.

Currently in Malacca.
To escape the weekend. Unwillingly..
:) Okay, maybe just half heartedly.
I was hoping to get away for awhile anyways.

So yeh its 2.11am now and I'm bored!
The skies isn't even close to clear down here.
Now that the sea is further away from the land..
Klang one also even clearer.
But I wanna go PD! There suuper clear.
Ok yah I should stop about the clear skies thing. Make ppl feel annoyed only.
Aren't you aren't you?

Neways I'll be home soon.Like by this afternoon soon.
Heh I hope I can get the bubur sum sum thing tmr.
Ooh and I got to eat satay celup. But it sucked this time. Not our usual site.

Think I shall sleep.

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