Monday, August 25, 2008

It proves to say that it takes two

There are tons of post worthy pictures which I doubt I'd ever have the chance to post up.
They're random, but nice. But being too random would probably be too much for you to take. Too nonsensical. Why la.. :( Now what shall I do with 'em!

Oh ya sorry, I forgot about stalking the the dog.

Lazy want to edit anything la.
And she looks.. clean. Wonder if anyone gave her a bath :\

Haih. How ah.

Okay I shall talk about finishing my exams.
I reaaaally hope and pray that I actually do pass them.
Soo do not want to sit for another semester of these subjects. I.cannot.take it.
Blame me for studying the night before. Or rather the morning itself.Haah.
Shimmy damn geng. She actually woke me up at 4am to study.
Cause I've been staying up till 6 for two days. Third day tak tahan d.

The rubik cube. Dangg. The colour is super evil and a very attention seeking item.
Gosh you have no idea how I tried to refrain myself from twisting and turning that nonsense while trying to face down to look at my notes and study!
It does help in procrastinating though.
And no, I won't be posting picture of it. Not yet anyways.
Haven't even take. Though I already have this image in my head.

Wokay, I shall end this post with a bang.


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