Monday, November 17, 2008


Sorry for posting, but, whateverh! :)

Wooh I'm actually tired today, hence I shall sleep now. Like soon now! After washing up and whatever else. Including blogging about the end of my late sleeping streak. For today only.
I could have had so many peewee hour blog post but I haven't been feeling all that emo lately. So got no random one liners to say.

So. Goodnight. :(

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Eyes Shut Open

It is like having your eyes closed, but you're still looking. Even if you don't want to, you can't help it but to just look. Because there are temptations you created yourself. Mmm, blah.

Ok, usually I hate seeing posts like these, but I'm gonna do it anyway. Because I find them pretty. And I'm actually thinking of blogging about it. So lets not lose this opportunity! Note: My picture arranging and sizing skill sucks.

Anyways, sunrise/dawn/early morning? I honestly love the super early mornings. Be it with sleep, or no sleep taken. I just have this unexplained feeling about the morning light, air, feel, colour and whatever that comes with it. Especially when I get to see the transition take place.
I think I shall thank Su Ann for making me stay up late once, which will be a story for another day, till it has been happening ever so often lately, which got me to seeing this.

This was in the afternoon, I guess? Janec and I were in this "competition" about who's phone take better pictures which she suddenly created out of nowhere while I was minding my own business taking nice pictures. *Gives you your Jane face* or could it be the Cheryl one?

Oh gosh this is sooo pretty! It is like paddle pop in the sky. But I think the greenish hue at the upper left was from my camera la. Blah but the face and nose and the hair there was in the way. When I tried to take another one the colours just weren't there anymore.

And this was just a few minutes after the above was taken. This was one of the nice days to take pictures thing. The sky was absolutely awesome that day. The way it contrasted and all was like, beatifullll! I was lazy too attempt a panoramic shot of how the whole sky transitioned. This was just a part of it.

Red clouds taking over the sky! They've been lingering for quite a bit lately. They feel so.. monstrous? Haha.

So anyways, this it it!
Proudly brought to you by the U9. Grainy and all, but it still takes decent pictures without having to fiddle with anything, because I like it rawRrr.

This post is to be scheduled to another date to make this blog empty for even more days, just for the fun of it. And to probably prove that it could have possibly been 'The deadest blog EVAAAAARRRR'.
Dated: 6/11/2008, 2.51am.